If you’re fortunate enough to own your own Porsche, collect Porsches or simply admire Porsche vehicles, you’ve come to the right place. Simply continue reading to discover a few fun facts about Porsche. As even if you’re a super fan you’ll discover at least one new fact that you’ll want to share with all of your equally Porsche mad friends.
5 Fun facts about Porsche:
The iconic 911 was originally labeled the 901:
As the 911 is arguably the most famous Porsche model, you may be surprised to learn that it was not originally named the 911 and was originally named the 901. The reason why Porsche had to change its name is that a rival European car brand Peugeot actually had a pre-existing trademark on all zero digit numbers. So once Porsche was made aware of this, they voluntarily changed the number associated with the 901 to 911.
The 911 is only manufactured in one city in the world:
To this day the iconic 911 is only manufactured in one city in the world. Stuttgart, Germany. So if you own a 911, it was definitely built in Stuttgart. In fact, 911 vehicles are only manufactured in a single factory in Stuttgart. On average, the Porsche factory in Stuttgart produces 110, 911 units per day. For this reason, individuals around the globe often have to join waiting lists with their local Porsche dealer if they want to get their hands on a brand new 911. Which makes the 911 a bit of a status symbol.
The Dutch police force used to drive Porsche vehicles:
In the past, the Dutch police force which is located in the Netherlands used to exclusively drive the Porsche 365. When the Dutch police force retired their 365 vehicles, one was sold to the American comedian Jerry Seinfeld. As Seinfeld happens to be a passionate car collector and likes to collect iconic cars.
Porsche has won more professional car races than any other car manufacturer:
To date, Porsche vehicles have won over 24,000 professional car races around the world. Which makes Porsche the most successful car brand, when it comes to professional racing. One of the world-famous races which a Porsche race car has won, is the Paris to Dakar Rally, which is known for featuring the most dangerous terrain on Earth such as never-ending mountain dunes. Even if you’re not a professional racer, if you want to keep your Porsche in tip-top condition, it’s a great idea to search for auto-electronic installation for Porsche cars.
Porsche used to design and build tractors:
While you may be aware that Lamborghini produces tractors, Porsche also used to design and manufacture tractors. This fact may be surprising as Porsche is primarily known for being a luxury car brand, not for producing farm vehicles.
In conclusion:
So regardless of whether or not you’re the proud owner of a Porsche or multiple Porsches or simply dream of owning your own 911 one day, hopefully, you found some of the Porsche-themed facts listed entertaining!
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